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Section: New Results

Applications in Educational Technologies

Machine Learning for Adaptive Personalization in Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Participants : Benjamin Clement, Alexandra Delmas, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer [correspondant] , Didier Roy, Helene Sauzeon.

The Kidlearn project

Kidlearn is a research project studying how machine learning can be applied to intelligent tutoring systems. It aims at developing methodologies and software which adaptively personalize sequences of learning activities to the particularities of each individual student. Our systems aim at proposing to the student the right activity at the right time, maximizing concurrently his learning progress and its motivation. In addition to contributing to the efficiency of learning and motivation, the approach is also made to reduce the time needed to design ITS systems.

We continued to develop an approach to Intelligent Tutoring Systems which adaptively personalizes sequences of learning activities to maximize skills acquired by students, taking into account the limited time and motivational resources. At a given point in time, the system proposes to the students the activity which makes them progress faster. We introduced two algorithms that rely on the empirical estimation of the learning progress, RiARiT that uses information about the difficulty of each exercise and ZPDES that uses much less knowledge about the problem.

The system is based on the combination of three approaches. First, it leverages recent models of intrinsically motivated learning by transposing them to active teaching, relying on empirical estimation of learning progress provided by specific activities to particular students. Second, it uses state-of-the-art Multi-Arm Bandit (MAB) techniques to efficiently manage the exploration/exploitation challenge of this optimization process. Third, it leverages expert knowledge to constrain and bootstrap initial exploration of the MAB, while requiring only coarse guidance information of the expert and allowing the system to deal with didactic gaps in its knowledge. The system was evaluated in several large-scale experiments relying on a scenario where 7-8 year old schoolchildren learn how to decompose numbers while manipulating money [65]. Systematic experiments were also presented with simulated students.

Kidlearn Experiments in 2018: Evaluating the impact of ZPDES and choice on learning efficiency and motivation

An experiment was held between mars 2018 and July 2018 in order to test the Kidlearn framework in classrooms in Bordeaux Metropole. 600 students from Bordeaux Metropole participated in the experiment. This study had several goals. The first goal was to evaluate the impact of the Kidlearn framework on motivation and learning compared to an Expert Sequence without machine learning. The second goal was to observe the impact of using learning progress to select exercise types within the ZPDES algorithm compared to a random policy. The third goal was to observe the impact of combining ZPDES with the ability to let children make different kinds of choices during the use of the ITS. The last goal was to use the psychological and contextual data measures to see if correlation can be observed between the students psychological state evolution, their profile, their motivation and their learning. The different observations showed that generally, algorithms based on ZPDES provided a better learning experience than an expert sequence. In particular, they provide a better motivating and enriching experience to self-determined students. The details of these new results, as well as the overall results of this project, were presented during the PhD defense of Benjamin Clement in decembre 2018.

Fostering Health Education With a Serious Game in Children With Asthma: Pilot Studies for Assessing Learning Efficacy and Automatized Learning Personalization

Coupled with Health Education programs, an e-learning platform—KidBreath—was participatory designed [19] and assessed in situ (Study 1) and was augmented and tested with an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) based on Multi-Armed Bandit Methods (Study 2). For each study, the impact of KidBreath practice was assessed in children with asthma in terms of pedagogical efficacy (knowledge of the illness), pedagogical efficiency (usability, type of motivation and level of interest elicited), and therapeutic effect (illness perception, system's expectation and judgement in disease self-management, child's implication in study). For the Study 1, asthma children aged 8 to 11 years used the tool at home without time pressure for 2 months according to a predefined learning sequence defined by the research team. Results supported pedagogical efficacy of KidBreath, with a significant increase of general knowledge about asthma after use. It also featured a greater learning gain for children knowing the least about the illness before use. Results on pedagogical efficiency revealed a great intrinsic motivation elicited by KidBreath showing a deep level of interest in the edutainment activities. Study 2 explored an augmented version of KidBreath with learning optimization algorithm (called ZPDES) after its use during 1 month. Pedagogical efficacy was less conclusive than Study 1 because less content was displayed due to algorithm parameters. However, the ITS-augmented KidBreath use showed a strong impact in pedagogical efficiency and therapeutic adherence features. Even if implementation improvements must be done in future works, this preliminary study highlighted the viability of our methods to design an ITS as serious game in health education context for all chronic diseases.

Poppy Education: Designing and Evaluating Educational Robotics Kits

Participants : Pierre-Yves Oudeyer [correspondant] , Didier Roy, Thibault Desprez, Théo Segonds, Stéphanie Noirpoudre.

The Poppy Education project aims to create, evaluate and disseminate all-inclusive pedagogical kits, open-source and low cost, for teaching computer science and robotics in secondary education and higher education, scientific literacy centers and Fablabs.

It is designed to help young people to take ownership with concepts and technologies of the digital world, and provide the tools they need to allow them to become actors of this world, with a considerable socio-economic potential. It is carried out in collaboration with teachers and several official french structures (French National Education, High schools, engineering schools, ...).

Poppy Education is based on the robotic platform poppy (open-source platform for the creation, use and sharing of interactive 3D printed robots), including:

Figure 33. Home page on http://poppy.local
Figure 34. The visual programming system Snap
Figure 35. V-rep
Figure 36. 3D viewer
Pedagogical experimentations : Design and experiment robots and the pedagogical activities in classroom.

The robots are designed with the final users in mind. The pedagogical tools of the project (robots and resources) are being created directly with the users and evaluated in real life by experiments. So teachers and researchers co-create activities, test them with students in class-room, share their experience and develop the platform as needed [120].

The activities were designed mainly with Snap! and Python. Most activities use Poppy Ergo Jr, but some use Poppy Torso (mostly in higher school due to its cost).

The pedagogical experiments in classroom carried out during the first year of the project notably allowed to create and experiment many robotic activities. These activities are designed as pedagogical resources introducing robotics. The main objective of the second year was to make all the activities and resources reusable (with description, documentation and illustration) easily and accessible while continuing the experiments and the diffusion of the robotic kits.

Figure 37. Experiment robots and pedagogical activities in classroom
Pedagogical documents and resources
Evaluation of the pedagogical kits

The impact of educational tools created in the lab and experimented in class had to be evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. First, the usability, efficiency and user satisfaction must be evaluated. We must therefore assess, at first, if these tools offer good usability (i.e. effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction). Then, in a second step, select items that can be influenced by the use of these tools. For example, students' representations of robotics, their motivation to perform this type of activity, or the evolution of their skills in these areas. In 2017 we conducted experiments to evaluate the usability of kits. We also collected data on students' perceptions of robotics.

Partnership on education projects

IniRobot: Educational Robotics in Primary Schools

Participants : Didier Roy [correspondant] , Pierre-Yves Oudeyer.

Reminder : IniRobot (a project done in collaboration with EPFL/Mobsya) aims to create, evaluate and disseminate a pedagogical kit which uses Thymio robot, an open-source and low cost robot, for teaching computer science and robotics.

IniRobot Project aims to produce and diffuse a pedagogical kit for teachers and animators, to help them and to train them directly or by the way of external structures. The aim of the kit is to initiate children to computer science and robotics. The kit provides a micro-world for learning, and takes an inquiry-based educational approach, where kids are led to construct their understanding through practicing an active investigation methodology within teams. See or

Deployment: After 4 years of activity, IniRobot is used by more than 3000 adults, 30 000 children in France. Inirobot is also used in higher education, for example in Master 2 "Neurosciences, human and animal cognition" at the Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. Inirobot is additionally used to train the management and elected officials of the Bordeaux metropolitan area (20 people). The digital mediators of the 8 Inria centers are trained to Inirobot and use it in their activities.


The project continues to be carried out in main collaboration with the LSRO Laboratory from EPFL (Lausanne) and others collaborations such as the French National Education/Rectorat d'Aquitaine, the Canopé Educational Network, the ESPE (teacher's school) Aquitaine, the ESPE Martinique, the ESPE Poitiers and the National Directorate of Digital Education.

Created pedagogical documents and resources
Scientific mediation

Inirobot is very popular and often presented in events (conferences, workshops, ...) by us and others.

Spread of Inirobot activities

Inirobot activities are used by several projects: Dossier 123 codez from Main à la Pâte Fundation, Classcode project, ...

MOOC Thymio

The MOOC Thymio, released in october 2018, in collaboration with Inria Learning Lab and EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), on FUN platform and edX EPFL Platform), use Inirobot activities to teach how to use Thymio robot in education.